




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B+

Review: Using the lettering made popular by the Disney corporation with its logo and turning the poster into a humorous display of elements from the documentary works. Along with the title of the documentary, it’s the kind of poster that can intrigue anyone.

Trailer Rating: A

Review: This is perhaps the funniest preview of the year. Focusing on the over-commercialization of the Christmas holiday season, Morgan Spurlock takes us on Reverend Billy’s crusade to bring his word as pastor of the Church of Stop Shopping to the masses in the sidewalks and hallways of malls and department stores to try and “save” Americans from their shopping obsession.

Oscar Prospects:

Irreverent doesn’t win Oscars, but this could certainly be the most brazen Best Documentary Feature choice the Academy has ever made. That is if they will nominate it.

Release Date:

November 16, 2007


An irreverent, but thought-provoking documentary about the threats of over-consumerism.

Page Revisions:

November 3, 2007 – Original
September 30, 2008 – Review Posted

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