




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: It’s a lovely view, but an unimpressive poster. Casey Affleck’s gun-carrying image does give a slight inkling of the film’s plot and the background tells us where the film’s set, but that’s all we get. At least the colors are pleasing.

Trailer Rating: C-

Review: This looks like Eastwood light. Based on a book by the author of Mystic River, this potential-corruption-in-the-police-department caper seems lukewarm. It’s an action film that will likely tread the same paths as many others. With the trailer bearing slight whispers of The Departed, I have little hope for this film except in seeing Affleck succeed.

Oscar Prospects:

Being Eastwood light, Gone Baby Gone will be ignored, baby, ignored by the Academy unless a surprise grondswell of support from critics and audiences alike propel the film past all the other prestige pics into the derby.

Release Date:

October 19, 2007


A fantastic directorial debut from actor Ben Affleck whose career has begun a resurgence. The film is engaging and twists at all the right places.

Page Revisions:

July 7, 2007 – Original
July 14, 2007 – New Poster
February 2, 2008 – Full Review Posted

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