




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: D+

Review: Really? This is the best they could come up with? I know the trailer suggests the film’s just going to be another quickly-forgotten rap-love-story pic, but did they have to make the poster as easily forgettable?

Trailer Rating: C

Review: Noise is an apt description for this preview. While there are some interesting musical qualities, everything else from the cuts to the voice over reek of niche film and a niche film that might not even get to the right niche.

Oscar Prospects:

Oscar doesn’t like noise unless it’s nominated in the Original Song category where they’ve made some rather noisy selections in recent years. And we’re not talking the street slang kind of “noise”.

Release Date:

October 5, 2007

Page Revisions:

August 25, 2007 – Original
October 20, 2007 – New Poster; Buy the Poster Enabled

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