




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B-

Review: A very inventive poster that gives rich detail to a potentially pedestrian kids’ fantasy. The graphics are interesting to look at and should do a sufficient job drawing the target audience to the theater.

Trailer Rating: C+; C

Review: It’s not surprising that Adam Sandler is at his same hokey idiocy. His desire to make films for the whole family, while noble, would benefit more from his limited involvement, than his tiresome comedy schtick.

The site says it’s an “extended” trailer. It didn’t seem all that more different than the first trailer, but watching the same trailer for seemingly the second time, it’s becoming quite clear that Sandler is incapable of performing in a serious capacity. No, the source material doesn’t give him much of an option, but his more subdued performance in the trailer only makes it seem like he’s trying too hard.

Oscar Prospects:

Maybe some small consideration for Visual Effects, but even that’s stretching Academy credibility.

Release Date:

December 25, 2008

Page Revisions:

September 28, 2008 – Original
November 2, 2008 – New Trailer, New Poster

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