




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B+

Review: The strawberry symbolism doesn’t gel yet, other than the fact
that it somewhat looks like a heart. Regardless, the poster is somewhat engaging. The universe-spanning stars in the background and the paint-blotched strawberry with an image of the film’s lovers within wok surprisingly well together.

Trailer Rating: A-

Review: While the idea for the film might not be intriguing, the preview highlights a number of provocative images that make it appear to be a surrealist fantasy about love in the 1960s. We’ll hope that director Julie Taymor and Sony can come to an agreement on the cut of the film because I think I’d rather see Taymor’s version than a studio cut.

Oscar Prospects:

With all the backbiting between studio and director, the version put to the screen may determine whether it’s picked up at the Academy. Taymor’s a good director but her stage success hasn’t yet translated to Hollywood respect. As of now, the film, while it looks entertaining, isn’t likely to show up at this year’s Oscars even with a September launch.

Release Date:

September 14, 2007


A visually stylish musical that makes Beatles music enjoyable as well as tells a good love story.

Page Revisions:

March 28, 2007 – Original
July 28, 2007 – Buy the Poster Enabled
August 4, 2007 – New Release Date (changed from 9/28/07)
September 30, 2008 – Review Posted

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