




Almodovar’s new film is dividing critics, will it divide audiences?

The Skin I Live In

Plot Summary: A plastic surgeon, trying to get over the loss of his wife, begins research on an experimental type of synethetic skin that’s impervious to most traumas.
Release Date: October 14, 2011



Rating: B-
Commentary: It’s a simple poster with a complex relationship with its film. The design work is strong even if most who aren’t familiar with the film or trailer don’t quite get it. The mask is also a bit off-putting.
Rating: C+
Commentary: You read the synopsis and you think it sounds like an interesting film. You watch the trailer and you wonder what the movie’s actually about. Combine the two and you have the chance of seeing something original, though the trailer will turn off as many as it turns on.
Preview Link: CLICK HERE for link to the trailer, more posters (if available) and other commentary not featured here.
Oscar Chances: Will Almodovar have another Oscar submission? And if so, is the subject just a bit too bizarre for Academy tastes. I can’t see the Academy embracing it if it is an official submission.

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