




A hodge podge of new trailers today: Gulliver’s Travels, Jane Eyre and Tron Legacy.


Plot Summary: A re-envisioning of the legendary ’80s virtual reality film Tron.
Release Date: December 17, 2010



Rating: B
Commentary: At least we know that the money spent to make this film is all right there on the screen. The effects look pretty damned good, though the jury is still out on how convincing they’ll make Jeff Bridges as a younger man. However, this should be plenty of inspiration to drag a lot of people to the theater.
Previous Preview:
Tron Legacy
Trailer Link: Apple Trailers
Oscar Chances: See Previous Preview


Plot Summary: The story of an impoverished misfit longing for a wealthy young man she cannot possess.
Release Date: March 11, 2011



Rating: C+
Commentary: The costumes look lovely, but the performances feel haphazard and unexceptional. It looks to be both as beautiful as the drapes of any wealthy estate but also just as lifeless.
Rating: None
Commentary: I don’t review placeholders.
Trailer Link: Yahoo Movies Trailers
Oscar Chances: It could be a Costume Design and Art Direction contender, but from the looks of this trailer (paired with the release date), I wouldn’t hold out much hope for its success.


Plot Summary: Jack Black stars in this modernized version of the Gulliver’s Travels story.
Release Date: December 22, 2010



Rating: C
Commentary: It will certainly appeal to the Jack Black fan club, but this film looks like a lame series of pop culture jokes that fit into a banal plot cobbled together from film cliches.
Rating: C
Commentary: This first poster is a poorly constructed design that defaults on visual effects.
Rating: C+
Commentary: The second poster is more energetic and believable with an expression that fits the situation better than the first.
Rating: C
Commentary: The third poster reminds me too much of Bill Murray’s many comedies of the ’80s, especially Meatballs. This design relies too heavily on rote imagery and jokes.
Trailer Link: Yahoo Movies Trailers
Oscar Chances: Maybe a Visual Effects or Makeup nomination, but that would be about as far as I could see it going.

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