Last week, I mentioned my plans for this feature once the final results are tabulated. Since I wanted to give both prior polls time to breathe, I thought I would dig into the idea a little more here and see what everyone thinks about doing it (and what categories they would like to see it done with).
Essentially, what I would do is take every winner of an Academy Award and pit them against another. Below is an incomplete sample. Essentially, depending on how many other winners each of them beat would develop the ranking. Ties would be settled based on how they fared against one another.
Here’s an example of how the match-ups would look:
Wings vs. The Broadway Melody
Wings vs. All Quiet on the Western Front
Wings vs. Cimarron
Wings vs. Grand Hotel
The Broadway Melody vs. All Quiet on the Western Front
The Broadway Melody vs. Cimarron
The Broadway Melody vs. Grand Hotel
All Quiet on the Western Front vs. Cimarron
All Quiet on the Western Front vs. Grand Hotel
Cimarron vs. Grand Hotel
This would be done for all 94 existing winners (and would be refreshed each time a new set of winners was announced).
Let’s say Wings wins 2 matchups, The Broadway Melody wins 0, All Quiet on the Western Front wins 4, Cimarron wins 1, and Grand Hotel wins 3. They would ultimately be ranked:
1. All Quiet on the Western Front
2. Grand Hotel
3. Wings
4. Cimarron
5. The Broadway Melody
Let’s say both Cimarron and The Broadway Melody came out of their 94 matchups with three wins a piece. In the above example, Cimarron beat The Broadway Melody, so it would be ranked above.
It’s a simple way to compare and contrast the winners without risking an unfair matchup (like a Sweet 16 Bracket might).
Now for the poll, which of the Oscar categories would you like to see this done with? I’d love to do all of them, but I understand that not all of them would be of interest. I’ve enabled a number of choices equal to the maximum number of categories, so you can choose as many or as few as you wish. Based on the end results, I’ll make the weekly polls work. I will still try to limit each week to no more than 25 polls. Answering 94 a week would get a bit tedious, after all. I’m also including four defunct categories. Three have been wrapped into existing categories and one has been set aside on its own.

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