There are more than a dozen definitions of the word “generation”. Most of them are a purely academic differences, but the decision to call these blogs “The Film Generations” is manifold.
Contributing to this blog are people from very different generational backgrounds. Whereas Peter is more of the Baby Boomer era, I’m more akin to Generation X, as will be one of our future contributors. But, the point in this is that we each see film in a different way. We each have a broad and distinct voice in terms of the films we love. And while part of that is most certanly a generational gap, it’s also a manner of taste. However, we each share one common interest: movies. They are what we grew up on. They are a part of our fabric as individuals.
And that is thanks to generations of filmmakers and audiences who have shaped or culture and our lives with their own personal visions. From the early filmic generations where the Nickelodeon provided a brief, escapist pleasure during the 1890s and early 20th century, we have had a fascination with the moving image. To a sad degree, a lot of people out there have no concept of how a movie is really made or what actually makes a moving image a moving image. But, the fact still remains we are a product of those early days of shorts, silents and everything else that has brought us to the modern filmic era. And, I say era because it’s the more common term to describe the history of film, but in truth, they are merely different generations that correspond with the times, slowly following, and, in some cases molding the future of the world.
Thus, The Film Generations blog will be about celebrating movies, talking about our experiences, sharing our passion and everything that goes along with this significant achievement, perhaps one of the greatest and most influential of mediums in the history of the world.
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