Tonight, we have what I like to call the “Wherever You Want It” screener. These screeners (like this one for Shutter Island) are generally retail copies but are accompanied by no “instructions” of where the publicist wants you to consider their film. So, you get to put it in whatever categories you want. But, I am glad to have gotten this one. I didn’t get a chance to catch it at the theater, so watching it on DVD at home is the next best thing (well, the only thing, really). Sorry for the dark picture, but the case was reflecting light and images, so I had to get darker to avoid it.
Shutter Island
Genre: Thriller
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Max von Sydow, Michelle Williams, Emily Mortimer, Patricia Clarkson, Jackie Earle Haley
Directors: Martin Scorsese
Premise: Two detectives enter an asylum to discover the whereabouts of a missing inmate, but must avoid going insane or thought insane before it’s too late.
Rating: (R) for disturbing violent content, language and some nudity.
Oscar Chances: Limited. The film came and went without the amount of fanfare it needed. It might get a couple of tech nods like Cinematography, Art Direction and/or Costume Design, but much else is unlikely.
Rotten Tomatoes:
68% Fresh (231 critics; as of 11/18/10)
63 out of 100 (37 critics; as of 11/18/10)
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