




Results are in for Week #23 of Film Fun Friday.

Game: Identify the Poster

The correct answers were: The Enforcer (Foreign Poster) and Murder Ahoy (Negative Poster). Lallolupo correctly identified the foreign poster. No one got the negative poster right.

Game: Quotes

The quote “You’d better take a *good* look, because I’m getting two things: pissed off and curious.” came from The Insider. Lallolupo got it right.

Game: Oscar Trivia

The question was when and how long was the longest Oscar telecast. The answer is 2002 at 4 hours, 23 minutes. Lallolupo was right on the year, but 7 minutes off on the time, which is pretty darned close.

Game: Six Degrees of Oscar Separation

Peter and Tripp both made the connection and did so almost identically.

And that’s our results for this week. Come back Friday for more fun and games.

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