It is with a deep sadness and appreciation for nine years of service that I bid adieu to the message board/forum software I’ve used exclusively for the UAADB (Unofficial Academy Awards Discussion Board) for so long.
Last week, I noticed an extreme slowness in accessing not only the message board but my entire site. This was reflected in a handful of posts from posters at the site. I contacted my service provider who, through research discovered that the main .cgi file that ran the board was taking up a great deal of CPU capacity, something it had not done previously. Recently, the NOC (Network Operations Center) had upgraded to a new server and new software. We believe this is what was causing the issue.
We searched for a solution. I contacted the support for Ikonboard saying that I was being told the server was not handling the file well and to ask them for solutions. They attempted to help me find a way to decrease server lag by doing some maintenance but none of it worked. I shut down the board on Friday and by Sunday the lag was virtually non-existent. So, with hope I re-opened the board only to discover later that afternoon that the lag issues were back confirming it was indeed the software that ran the message board. Thus began the painstaking process of converting the board to new software. I attempted one last time to find a solution with Ikonboard support, but after responding once to one of their questions and getting no response (and looking at the forums on their site and seeing tons of spam), I decided it was best to break my ties to Ikonboard since it became clear that they were not interested in improving my experience or saving my message board.
In the effort, I found a new software that will hopefully help facilitate a new era on the UAADB. So far, initial testing has proven that I have been able to retain the entire history of the old board and the entire user base with a few minor discrepancies. Chief among these is a loss of all private message data you might have had on the old board. If you need information from them, I can still go into the old board and retrieve it for you, but you won’t be able to get it yourself at the moment.
The new message board can be found at You may use your old forum ids, but will have to request an updated password. A lot of people who have not updated their e-mail addresses in a number of years may have issues retrieving a password. You’ll need to contact me privately via Facebook or e-mail ( and I will re-set your password or your e-mail address, your choice.
Please note that the board’s look will be a constantly changing aspect over the next few weeks as I become comfortable in modifying the theme and style to what I want it to look like. It will be a grueling process, so you’ll need to bear with me on it.
I hope everyone likes the new board. It will take a lot of adjusting on all parts to get back to where we were, but I hope everyone is ready to try.
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