If the Razzies were simply punching down, that’s one thing, but they’ve actively abdicated their take on the worst of the year by going for a filmed stage musical as their big winner. A film that’s not even Oscar eligible wins five awards while the Space Jam reboot also does poorly. The nominations were lame enough, but this just takes the cake.
Awards Tallies
(5) Diana the Musical
(3) Space Jam: A New Legacy
The Awards
Worst Picture
Diana the Musical (The Netflix Version)
Worst Director
Christopher Ashley – Diana the Musical
Worst Actor
LeBron James – Space Jam: A New Legacy
Worst Actress
Jeanne de Waal – Diana the Musical
Worst Supporting Actor
Jared Leto – House of Gucci
Worst Supporting Actress
Judy Kaye – Diana the Musical
Worst Screenplay
Diana the Musical
Worst Remake, Rip-off or Sequel
Space Jam: A New Legacy
Worst Screen Couple
LeBron James & Any Warner Cartoon Character (or Time-Warter Product) He Dribbles On – Space Jam: A New Legacy
Worst Performance by Bruce Willis in a 2021 Movie
Cosmic Sin
Razzie Redemeer Award
Will Smith – King Richard
Golden Raspberry Awards Data
Year Founded: 1980
First Awards: 1980 (42)
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