



For a full list of rules, click here: 2011 Oscar Season Box Office Predictions Game Rules.

Submit Your Predictions for This Week

  1. Top Ten Films at the U.S. Box Office of the week in order from most money to least.
  2. Individual monetary predictions for each film.
  3. Top limited release film and its per screen average.
  4. Awards predictions for any film you think has a shot at an end-of-year awards nomination.

This Week’s New Wide Releases

Breaking Dawn, Part 1 (4,000+ screens)
Happy Feet Two (3,600+ screens)

This Week’s New Limited Releases

The Descendants (27 screens)
Garbo: The Spy (TBD screens)
The Lie (TBD screens)

Last Week’s Results

Immortals drew the audiences it needed to not only top the weekend, but trounce Adam Sandler, which can only be a sign that Sandler is weakening as a box office force.

Top 10 Films

  1. Immortals, $32,206,425
  2. Jack and Jill, $25,003,575
  3. Puss in Boots, $24,726,193
  4. Tower Heist, $12,773,765
  5. J. Edgar, $11,217,324
  6. Harold & Kumar Christmas, $5,915,143
  7. In Time, $4,081,881
  8. Paranormal Activity 3, $3,611,283
  9. Footloose, $2,726,736
  10. Real Steel, $1,864,688

Top 10 Films

  1. Melancholia, $13,535 per screen

W=Wesley | M=Mike | Z=Zach
@ Total : Correct Prediction
o : Correct Prediction Individual (o = Bonus Point for being within $500,000/$2,000,000)
= : Correct Placement

Division 1

Immortals (Wo) @ $25 M

Division 2

Immortals (W=o | M | Z) @ $25 M
Jack and Jill (W= | M= | Zo) @ $25 M
Puss in Boots (W= | Mo | Z) @ $25 M
Tower Heist (Wo | M= | Z=o) @ $14 M
J. Edgar (W | M=o | Z=) @ $12 M
Harold & Kumar Christmas (W | M= | Z=o) @ $6 M
In Time (W | M= | Z=o) @ $4 M
Paranormal Activity 3 (W= | M= | Z=o) @ $3.5 M
Footloose (Wo | M= | Z=) @ $2.5 M
Real Steel (M= | Z=o) @ $2 M

Division 3

Melancholia (W | Mo) @ $23 M

Current Standings

  1. 209 (18,188,3) Points – Mike
  2. 205 (14,187,4) Points – Zach
  3. 195 (13,174,8) Points – Wesley

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