Page Revisions:
(Jun. 10, 2018) Original
(August 26, 2018) New Trailer (#2) / New Poster (#1)
(November 11, 2018) New Posters (#2-#3)
Release Date:
November 16, 2018
From IMDb: “Set in contemporary Chicago, amidst a time of turmoil, four women with nothing in common except a debt left behind by their dead husbands’ criminal activities, take fate into their own hands, and conspire to forge a future on their own terms.”
Poster Rating: C / C / C
Review: (#1) For the most part, this design is dull, a lifeless form that has a thankfully creative array of characters that doesn’t feel blocky.
(#2) The four widows are well visualized, though the lower image isn’t. The dark and plain structure and colors don’t embellish it. (#3) Increasing the size of the figures in the lower half of the second design makes for a more visually interesting design, but it still feels hopelessly mediocre.
Trailer Rating: B / B+
Review: (#1) If you read about this film before seeing the trailer, you might get the wrong impression of it. That said, the impression the trailer gives is a solid one and definitely makes it look like something worth catching.
(#2) Although there are standard trappings of the heist film present in the trailer, there are sufficient unique turns that might help build an unexpected audience for the film.
Oscar Prospects:
With the cast, you might think this was a solid Oscar contender; however, looking at the trailer for the first time, I suspect it won’t be as much of a player as we once thought.
Trailer #1
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