




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(October 20, 2024) Original
(December 1, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#6)

Release Date:

January 3, 2025


From IMDb: “Focus on Gromit’s concern that Wallace has become over-dependent on his inventions, which proves justified when Wallace invents a “smart gnome” that seems to develop a mind of its own.”

Poster Rating: C+ / C- / C- (4)

Review: (#1, C+) It’s a bit corny and the shadow of vengeance in the background is predictable. Fans of Wallace and Gromit will certainly be intrigued, though they might have been from the mere title regardless of the mediocrity of the poster design.

(#2, C-) An empty backdrop does not serve a film like this well with the backgrounds are part of the fun. Still, if you know the characters, it might just excite you. (#3-#6) These character posters take the same style as the prior and that remains disappointingly dull.

Trailer Rating: B- / B-

Review: (#1, B-) There are four potential reservoirs of attendees this film needs to appeal to. Fans of Wallace and Gromit, fans of stop-motion animation, fans of animated films in general, and those who have no biases against any of those three types of films. The first set are a given without the trailer, the other three need to be courted and while those who like animation might have some interest, most of the build-up will be with the stop-motion group. Unfortunately, the trailer doesn’t do enough to appeal outside of the first two groups.

(#2, B-) For fans of Aardman animation, this trailer hits all the right marks. The silent era comic stylings of Gromit, the confused intelligence of Wallace and the quiet intensity of their villain. With the terrific stop-motion animation, it’s a rather beautiful effort that should give those fans hope. New fans might not find much of interest in it, though.

Oscar Prospects:

While Aardman has missed in the past, it has been one of the most consistent animation houses in terms of Best Animated Feature recognition. This year might be tough for the film to cross over, especially since it’s ostensibly a “sequel,” but it should at least be on your shortlist for consideration.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

Poster #4Poster #5Poster #6
B- / B-

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