Page Revisions:
(October 7, 2018) Original
(December 23, 2018) New Posters (#2-#3) / New Release Date (Changed from 12/21/18)
Release Date:
December 25, 2018
From IMDb: “The story of Dick Cheney, the most powerful Vice President in history, and how his policies changed the world as we know it.”
Poster Rating: C / C / C
Review: (#1) This blocky aesthetic has become commonplace in recent years, especially in political seriocomedies. This particular one feels dull and lifeless and lacks humor.
(#2) Someone went to a lot of trouble to make this look like amateur hour, at least from a design perspective. The door open on the Oval Office doesn’t fit well with the rest of the image, all of which look like they’ve been cheaply superimposed into the poster. (#3) The yellow palette returns, but not with anything resembling a compelling visual design.
Trailer Rating: C+
Review: Some of the caricatures here look solid, but the relevance, importance, and necessity of this film doesn’t make itself evident in its running time, making it all feel pointless.
Oscar Prospects:
Adam McKay’s The Big Short was a surprise Oscar contender upon release and this could be as well. The problem is recognizing a film about Dick Cheney and the havoc wrought by the Bush administration doesn’t seem like something the Academy would feel good about rewarding, even if the film is meant to mock the man. That said, the cast could still be nominated and likely will in such a weak year for male performances.
Trailer #1
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