Page Revisions:
(September 15, 2024) Original
(February 9, 2025) New Posters (#3-#4) — New Release Date (changed from 9.20.2024)
Release Date:
February 14, 2025
From IMDb: “Two women find frozen cash, try to retrieve it. A tour guide leads confused tourists around Winnipeg sites. A man quits his job, visits his mother. Storylines intertwine surreally as identities blur in a disorienting comedy.”
Poster Rating: C (2) / C+ / C
Review: (#1-#2, C) These designs aren’t terribly different from one another and while the sound waves of the second design make things interesting, they are exceedingly dull all around.
(#3, C+) A nice pastiche of 1970s design aesthetics that doesn’t quite make sense in connection with the film but at least provides something unique to look at while buying tickets for some other movie. (#4, C) This design is interesting from a visual symmetry perspective but lacks enough details to excite the viewer. It especially fails to identify the figures in each of the segments.
Trailer Rating: C+
Review: (#1, C+) While the absurdism shines through in the trailer, the necessity or intrigue of it does not. There are some weird moments and a lot of droll bits with some compelling imagery but none of it melds together into something genuinely entrancing.
Oscar Prospects:
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