Page Revisions:
(June 3, 2019) Original
(November 24, 2019) New Trailer (#2) / New Poster (#23)
(March 15, 2020) New Trailer (#3) / New Posters (#24-#46)
Release Date:
April 17, 2020
From IMDb: “Sequel to the 2016 animated hit.”
Poster Rating: C / C- (21) / B- / C+ (10) / C+ / C / C / C+ (5) / D+ (5)
Review: (#1) Got the T-Shirt, but it wasn’t worth it. The smug look on the Troll’s face and the cheap-looking design don’t work terribly well together. (#2-#22) A terrible set of character posters only with head-banging hand-signs and cheesy bracelets to identify them. Thank goodness for the names at the top or it would be hard to remember who each belonged to, especially with new character thrown in.
(#23) It has a nice symmetry, but a lot of vacant space surrounding it. It looks like something akin to a design you might have seen in a 70s all-star film poster design.
(#24-#33) More character designs of limited visual appeal with differing colors, but not differing concepts. (#34) Colorful and informative, but also rather empty. (#35) It’s less empty than design #34, but also less interesting for having very little variance in concept. (#36) A nice attempt to do something different, but without accomplishing anything. (#37-#41) This set of character posters is a continuation of the prior batch and thus not more or less appealing. (#42-#46) This batch is akin to the first set of character posters the film released, which have a lot less of interest to provide to the viewer.
Trailer Rating: B- / B / B+
Review: (#1) It starts off well enough, but feels like the entire narrative has gone adrift and sailed into fairly cheesy territory.
(#2) A lot more content surrounding the film’s plotting, but different enough from the prior trailer to keep the film feeling fresh.
(#3) Every time we learn more about this film, the more fun and appealing it all looks. This design is still as fresh as the prior giving us new information and highlighting the engaging pop music that seems to be a character of its own in the film.
Oscar Prospects:
The original film was not an Oscar contender, so I don’t expect this one to be one either.
Trailer #1
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