Page Revisions:
(March 10, 2024) Original
(May 19, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#1)
(June 16, 2024) New Trailer (#3)
Release Date:
June 21, 2024
From IMDb: “When 93-year-old Thelma Post gets duped by a phone scammer pretending to be her grandson, she sets out on a treacherous quest across the city to reclaim what was taken from her.”
Poster Rating: B
Review: (#1, B) It’s clever in a predictable kind of way though it certainly fits the theme and tenor of the film itself. Solid effort.
Trailer Rating: C / B / C+
Review: (#1, C) This teaser trailer is woefully inadequate. The film has no intriguing hook and wants to sell the audience on this being a comedy with old people, just not one with a plot.
(#2, B) A few catchy bits of humor and a premise that seems like it could be a lot of fun, this trailer does just enough work to entice most of its targeted audience but probably not many others.
(#3, C+) A bit on the short side, this trailer glosses over the impetus for the action but it has a few nice bits of humor on display. Its immediate predecessor does a much better job conveying an interest in the film but this one has just enough to make someone curious.
Oscar Prospects:
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