Page Revisions:
(August 30, 2020) Original
(April 4, 2021) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#22-#35)
(April 11, 2021) New Trailer (#3)
(June 27, 2021) New Trailer (#4) — New Poster (#36) — New Summary
(July 25, 2021) Added Image Gallery
(August 1, 2021) New Posters (#37-#38)
Release Date:
August 6, 2021
From IMDb: “Plot is unknown.”
Poster Rating: B- / C- / C+ (19) / B / B- / C+ (12) / C / C+ / C
Review: (#1) Lots of colors and lots of characters, but the whole blending of those characters and figures feels mawkish. (#2) Combining all the character logos into one poster was done with no success on the prior film and with no success here. (#3-#21) These character posters blend actor names, logos, and comic-like details, but none of them feel important or collectible.
(#22) Interesting colors and a compelling 50s/60s vibe mark an interesting decision, even if there’s too much background blandness. (#23) This aggressive attempt to create creative energy doesn’t entirely work, though it has a lot of interesting details to tide one over until a better design comes along. (#24-#35) These twelve character posters, like their predecessors, are distinct, but cheap looking. They struggle to find something original and yet interesting and don’t quite succeed.
(#36) The cast of characters on a slanted design doesn’t add much appeal and the massive tagline lettering is obnoxious.
(#37) An interesting concept that almost works if it weren’t for the overused color palette. (#38) A lot of blank space that’s poorly filled and a central image that is too cheesy to be funny. Damned if IMAX designs aren’t generally the worst.
Trailer Rating: C / B- / C+ / B
Review: (#1) A teaser that doesn’t have enough information about the film, this design has a lot of interesting elements to it, but trying to introduce so many characters is tedious and forgettable.
(#2) The joy and fun of the Birds of Prey trailers are largely lost in this glory-starved attempt to bring audiences back to the theater for James Gunn’s latest film. The first Suicide Squad was a bit lifeless and this trailer does little to excite, making everything look like it’s trying to be funny without being so.
(#3) Stripping out most of the humor of the second trailer makes for a rather bland experience, with some light, but unexceptional humor taking up the rest of the space. An almost uninteresting preview.
(#4) A goose to the action quotient, a better explanation of the plot, and more interesting comic moments make this trailer the best yet even if it is mostly generic.
Oscar Prospects:
The first film surprised not just with an Oscar nomination, but an Oscar win. With three times the number of characters, some with tons of makeup, it could be in contention again.
Trailer #1
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