Page Revisions:
(September 1, 2024) Original
(October 20, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#1)
(December 1, 2024) New Trailer (#3) — New Poster (#2) — New Release Date (Changed from 12.20.2024)
Release Date:
December 20, 2024
From IMDb: “855 women joined the war to fix the three-year backlog of undelivered mail. Faced with discrimination and a country devastated by war, they managed to sort more than 17 million pieces of mail ahead of time.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C+
Review: (#1, C+) Putting the cloudy dust of war into the environment, making the background figures indistinct, this design lightly conjures up the images of war but tries to keep its central figures at the forefront with mixed results.
(#2, C+) Sometimes poster designs are too on the nose and this one is, forcing information to the viewer in cheap-looking manner. The lack of excess details also makes the detail stand out but also reinforces its dullness.
Trailer Rating: B- / C+ / B
Review: (#1, B-) A conventional movie trailer that nevertheless presents a fascinating story and gives it a compelling introduction to its importance in history. The music helps sell its importance though its images and narrative flow are fairly generic.
(#2, C+) An inspiring speech does not a film make. The targeted Black audience will likely have already been interested in the film and this trailer won’t change their interest level. The first trailer certainly put forward the historic nature of the story but this trailer seems to have avoided that altogether. It’s a mystifying decision.
(#3, B) If you can get past the sense of betrayal you might have had from the more action-heavy prior trailers, this trailer does a fine job setting expectations and narrative details without spoiling the end result, which makes it mostly a success.
Oscar Prospects:
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