Page Revisions:
(June 12, 2022) Original
(September 18, 2022) New Trailer (#2)
(October 16, 2022) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#1-#2) — Title Correction (“&” to “and”)
Release Date:
Coming Soon
From IMDb: “A group of boys and girls are taken to an institution where they are trained to become fairy tale-like heroes and villains.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C+
Review: (#1) Perhaps a bit too distant for the viewer to better understand the central characters, but the visual elements do a decent amount of heavy lifting. (#2) Similar to the prior design, we’re just given more characters, but they are ultimately inefficiently combined.
Trailer Rating: C- / C+ / B-
Review: (#1) When most of your trailer is spent with titling rather than action, it doesn’t bode well for the finished product. The characters aren’t even given relevance such that those moments of movement we do get ultimately mean nothing.
(#2) We get lots more visuals in this trailer and that might be enough to entice people into the theater. The premise is also fleshed out, which could broaden the interest in the film. Still, there are too many childish elements here that don’t work very well, especially not in convincing adults that they must see the film too.
(#3) The audience finally gets into the meat of the narrative with a significant amount more detail than prior efforts. That said, the content feels a bit too childish in places, which seriously limits the film’s potential cross-generational and all-gender appeal.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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