




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C-

Review: Garish and brash, this poster will pull no additional viewers to the film as it already had the name recognition. It’s also too similar to past incarnations and the red is overwhelming and almost stifling.

Trailer Rating: B-; C

Review: Having seen The Mummy 2 and regretted it almost immediately, this trailer has one thing going for it in my mind: Michelle Yeoh. No matter how bad the film is, she adds class and style that might otherwise be missing. The concept is new and interesting, thanks to a change in locations, but what annoyed me most about the first sequel returned in full force with the “witty” one-liners on display.

Image quality aside, this second trailer focuses more on the comic aspect and less on the historical and visual aspects. While we know from the first trailer that there are a lot of eye-popping effects and some nifty settings, we get virtually none of that in the second trailer. Not to mention the trailer’s significant lack of Michelle Yeoh scenes don’t help matters.

Oscar Prospects:

Visual Effects consideration has become difficult in recent years with so many FX films out there. I can see this one being liked, but not loved and thus not even making the pre-nominations finals list.

Release Date:

August 1, 2008

Page Revisions:

May 25, 2008 – Original
June 29, 2008 – New Trailer

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