Page Revisions:
(April 16, 2023) Original
(July 30, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
(November 3, 2023) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#3-#15)
(November 12, 2023) New Trailer (#4) — New Poster (#16)
Release Date:
November 10, 2023
From IMDb: “Carol Danvers gets her powers entangled with those of Kamala Khan and Monica Rambeau, forcing them to work together to save the universe.”
Poster Rating: C+ / B / C / C+ / B / C / C / C+ / C- (6) / B- / C
Review: (#1) This simplistic teaser design has symbols for all three characters but never quite excites the passer-by. Bright colors don’t make add anything meritorious even if well blended.
(#2) With plenty of little details to entice the viewer, it’s a striking and compelling effort even if it feels a bit over-produced, which could be a metaphor for the film itself.
(#3,#5-#8) There are five format designs for this film and unlike most others of this type, they are generally unique to one another and the quality varies tremendously. The two IMAX designs are the worst with the Dolby almost as uninspired. The Real D 3D is at least creative in its thematic intersection of the three characters, but the honors for this batch go to Screen X, which employs a design that’s richly detailed, well balanced and isn’t overbearing. Solid effort. (#4) Stuck in the middle of these is a decent, but not awe-inspiring foreign design. It will do the job. (#9-#14) Finally, we have the dull character poster set that look different from one another while feeling homogenous and unintriguing. (#15) Turning the cast into felines isn’t a unique concept, but it’s adorable and for some that’s all that will be needed.
(#16) A cute kitty with a dull background and large lettering doesn’t really have enough appeal to it.
Trailer Rating: B / B+ / C+ / B
Review: (#1) For a teaser, this preview certainly sets the premise into a satisfying pace. The humor is a bit dull at times, but in the end, fans of any of these characters will find something more enticing on offer.
(#2) In a sea of similar-seeming superhero films, this looks to be a fresh change of pace from what we’ve seen melding together the epic personalities of all of the titular Marvels. Plenty of humorous bits pepped throughout with some strong visual effects should make this one of the superhero films to outperform the recent slate of disappointments.
(#3) There’s not a lot on display here and while it’s nice to see the characters given a chance to do something, only Carol Danvers is given much screen time and that undermines the presence of the other actors.
(#4) With dollops of humor and intense action, this design is a nice step above the prior, but not nearly as good as the second design. We get the stakes in this trailer, but is that enough? Probably not for very many.
Oscar Prospects:
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