




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C+

Review: It looks like something Pink Floyd might have once used on an album cover. Since this isn’t a rockumentary, that comparison may not be appropriate. Though, it’s really hard to see anything else from the poster and you wouldn’t really pair the imagery and the title with the subject of the docu.

Trailer Rating: B-

Review: My interest in the diversity and commonalities of language has not develope as far as it has for the professors in this film. Their passion for recording near-dead languages is inspirational to me, but I don’t think it will be that interesting to others, though I’m sure there are some controversial aspects within the film itself, they aren’t very pronounced in the trailer.

Oscar Prospects:

While the subject is somewhat fascinating, it’s not interesting enough to appeal to the more controversy-minded Documentary branch.

Release Date:

January, 2008

Page Revisions:

August 24, 2008 – Original

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