Page Revisions:
(September 22, 2024) Original
(October 13, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Release Date (changed from 9.27.2024)
Release Date:
October 18, 2024
From IMDb: “A university student lives life without fear of consequences.”
Poster Rating: C
Review: (#1, C) The line is present and that’s so important for a play on words but not so essential for a poster design. The stark black-and-red palette has unfortunately been coopted by horror films, so it makes a film like this, especially with someone looking so imperious, look like a horror film and that’s a misconception that hinders its potential.
Trailer Rating: C / C-
Review: (#1, C) What does this film intend to be? Is it an expose of the awful things done to pledges at major sororities? Is it an indictment of the frat-to-success pipeline that demands fealty to an institution that promotes discrimination and lacks safety? The trailer doesn’t want to give us the answer and seems to meander around while making this also a movie with a romantic hook. Everything is incongrous.
(#2, C-) If the first trailer was mildly confusing as to what the film is about, this trailer is even less understandable. While you can pick out just enough to understand what’s going on, none of it feels the least bit enticing. There’s a showboaty, toxically masculine feel that is utterly off-putting.
Oscar Prospects:
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