




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B-; F

Review: The reflective nature of the poster is quite fitting when compared with the film’s plot, which is better revealed in the second trailer. The poster isn’t as flashy as it could have been, which is entirely respoctable.

Apple has to have something to put into the space where posters should go. Unfortunately, this one doesn’t look like it’s just for that purpose. Normally the placeholders are titular only. This one has information about the stars and the director. If this is their idea of a poster, they’ve really got to step back and re-examine their approach.

Trailer Rating: C+; B+

Review: The film has the potential to be engaging, but there’s not enough in the preview to ascertain that fact. We find talented thesps in roles that may be perfect for them, but the plot seems easy to guess. That doesn’t make the film as appealing.

Far more interesting than the first trailer, this second gives us more idea of the plot and how it’s likely to play out. If it weren’t being released so early in the year, this is the kind of film that Oscar voters might fall all over in a big way. We’ll have to see how well it performs at the box office, but April is not an Oscar-calibre release month.

Oscar Prospects:

Vadim Perelman’s House of Sand and Fog was a small blip on Oscar radars, but this one releases too early to reap much attention, but love from voters and critics could keep it in contention into the fall.

Release Date:

April 18, 2008

Page Revisions:

February 9, 2008 – Original
March 23, 2008 – New Trailer and Poster

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