Page Revisions:
(June 9, 2024) Original
(September 8, 2024) New Posters (#2-#16)
(September 22, 2024) New Trailer (#2)
Release Date:
September 13, 2024
From IMDb: “A veteran assassin is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and authorizes a kill on himself. After ordering the kill, an army of former colleagues pounce and a new piece of information comes to light. Insanity ensues.”
Poster Rating: C / B- / C (2) / C+ (12)
Review: (#1, C) From a thematic point of view, all the bullets pointing at the protagonist make sense. Ultimately the emptiness of the design is its own downfall with the glaring red an overbearing choice.
(#2, B-) Overbearing in red, the design at least features a nice balance of character figures, some larger than others with a title that fits the film’s premise well. (#3-#4, C) These tedious character posters just try the front and inverse poses of the same figures with the cheap spark affectations that are supposed to symbolize action but always feel cheap. (#5-#16, C+) While the designs have a variable array of colors for the viewer, they don’t have much uniqueness in background details or taglines, which seems like a missed opportunity.
Trailer Rating: C- / C
Review: (#1, C-) Dave Bautista needs a new agent. This clunky assassin thriller is excessively violent and only sometimes clever. It looks to be a relatively cheap production that doesn’t allow Bautista to stretch his acting muscles.
(#2, C) There isn’t much new from the first trailer but it seems a bit more cheeky than previously. Still, the performances are poor and the action unmotivating, which will make it tough to sell this to others.
Oscar Prospects:
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