




Trailer Link

Release Date:

December 25, 2013


From IMDb: “At the height of his career, Charles Dickens meets a younger woman who becomes his secret lover until his death.”

Poster: C

Review: The hazy background writing motif isn’t used much, but it still feels hokey in spite of that. The poster is likewise lacking in distinctive design excellence and wont’ do very much good in selling the film.

Trailer: B-

Review: Were it not for Ralph Fiennes, I don’t know if this trailer would be all that interesting. It certainly takes its time getting anywhere and when it finally arrives, I’m not sure the audience will care.

Oscar Prospects:

It could pick up nominations in Best Production Design and Best Costume Design. It might even show up in Best Original Score, but I doubt the latter and the former two are far from assured.


(December 22, 2013) Original

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