




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: It’s not terribly inventive, nor entirely engaging, but the poster sufficiently encapsulates the film’s plot and purpose without much effort.

Trailer Rating: C+; C+

Review: Anna Faris is one of those comic actresses that, in spite of her choice of ludicrous films, is a dazzling screen presence. Though the trailer makes the film seem like a cross between The Ugly Duckling and Revenge of the Nerds, there are glimmers of sweetness that may emerge, but that could be largely based on Faris’ presence.

Even with more information about the film in the trailer, the only sparkling attribute this has is Anna Faris’ strange comic timing. It looks a little more Clueless than Romy & Michele, but in terms of quality, I’d say it’s still going to be second-rate.

Oscar Prospects:

Faris has never been considered an Oscar contender. Her films are likewise ignored.

Release Date:

August 22, 2008

Page Revisions:

April 27, 2008 – Original
August 3, 2008 – New Poster
August 10, 2008 – New Trailer

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