Page Revisions:
(February 23, 2020) Original
(May 16, 2021) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#7) — New Release Date (changed from 5/29/21)
(July 25, 2021) New Poster (#8)
Release Date:
July 30, 2021
From IMDb: “A fantasy re-telling of the medieval story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.”
Poster Rating: C / C (6) / C
Review: (#1) This saintly design is lacking in the kinds of details we would typically find visually appealing.
(#2-#7) This series of character posters have the same uninspired red background, which only mildly engaging foreground characters. The refusal to use the color green is a missed opportunity when so few designs employ that color well.
(#8) It’s a little more appealing than some of the prior designs, but not sufficiently so, especially not as a sales tool.
Trailer Rating: B+ / C+
Review: (#1) Unless you know anything about Sir Gawain, this trailer isn’t going to give you any insight into the topic, but its strange aesthetic and syncopated movement makes the film look like it has a most fascinating potential.
(#2) Whereas the first trailer felt exciting, something about this second one makes the film feel dull even if lushly appointed.
Oscar Prospects:
The film has a lot of potential for the craft categories, but might be a bit too unconventional (at least considering the trailer) to go beyond the tech categories.
Trailer #1
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