Page Revisions:
(August 12, 2018) Original
(September 9, 2018) New Trailer (#2) / New Posters (#1-#2)
Release Date:
November 23, 2018
From IMDb: “Early 18th century. England is at war with the French. Nevertheless, duck racing and pineapple eating are thriving. A frail Queen Anne (Olivia Colman) occupies the throne and her close friend Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz) governs the country in her stead while tending to Anne’s ill health and mercurial temper. When a new servant Abigail (Emma Stone) arrives, her charm endears her to Sarah. Sarah takes Abigail under her wing and Abigail sees a chance at a return to her aristocratic roots. As the politics of war become quite time consuming for Sarah, Abigail steps into the breach to fill in as the Queen’s companion. Their burgeoning friendship gives her a chance to fulfill her ambitions and she will not let woman, man, politics or rabbit stand in her way.”
Poster Rating: B- / B
Review: (#1) An off-kilter design has a lot of conceptual connection to the film itself even if the vast black background is lifeless. (#2) There isn’t a lot of detail with this poster; however, the most intriguing element is also its most subtle. While distracted by Emma stone splayed out on the Queen’s train, the train itself is subtly draped over a poster element. Unnecessary, but interesting.
Trailer Rating: B+ / B
Review: (#1) Returning to the bizarre humor of The Lobster, Yorgos Lanthimos is ready to attack the absurdity of life in this pseudo biopic.
(#2) The first trailer presented a film that seemed utterly raucous, a strange concoction that felt like a natural inheritor to The Lobster‘s bizarre crown. This trailer ratchets up the spite, but it doesn’t make it seem more interesting.
Oscar Prospects:
Yorgos Lanthimos has had an uneven relationship with the Academy. While Dogtooth and The Lobster were both Oscar nominees, the rest of his oeuvre has not been. Even last year’s The Killing of the Sacred Deer couldn’t manage a nomination. That said, this looks like a far more traditional film with a ton of prominent actors. It could be a player when its predecessor was not.
Trailer #1
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