Page Revisions:
(July 30, 2023) Original
(September 17, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#4-#5)
Release Date:
October 13, 2023
From IMDb: “Sequel to the 1973 film about a 12-year-old girl who is possessed by a mysterious demonic entity, forcing her mother to seek the help of two priests to save her.”
Poster Rating: C / C+ / C / C+ / C-
Review: (#1-#3) The first and third images are either pulled into or copied from the second image, which is a much better effort than the sum of its parts but not by much.
(#4) A Disheveled girl traipsing through a church certainly piques the viewer’s curiosity, but the weathering affectations are unnecessary and the lack of depth is noticeable. (#5) Dolby’s design is empty and over-produced for a result that’s not terribly interesting.
Trailer Rating: B- / B
Review: (#1) Bringing back Ellen Burstyn is a nice start and the brief uses of Tubular Bells to undercut moments is solid, but the rest of the trailer looks overly familiar to fans of possession films.
(#2) The first trailer, while largely successful in conveying the narrative, this trailer does more to suggest momentous choices and frightening potential. It’s the closest one of these possession horror films has come in recent years to looking appealing.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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