




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B

Review: Exceedingly well crafted, this poster looks amazing, but is noticeably void of emotion. It’s almost as if the producers wanted something sterile and only faintly dangerous from the poster and they have assuredly captured that.

Trailer Rating: B-

Review: Why they needed to remake a classic is entirely beyond my rational understanding, but they’ve done so and this doesn’t look at all like that 1951 original. Instead, it looks like your typical sci-fi flick with a Close Encounters meets War of the Worlds style.

Oscar Prospects:

Maybe some consideration for Best Visual Effects or Best Sound Editing, but I doubt anything else wil even be a consideration.

Release Date:

December 12, 200An embarrassing mess of a film filled with terrible performances and lugubrious plot elements wrapped in a film lacking in subtext or importance.

Page Revisions:

July 6, 2008 – Original
September 21, 2008 – New Poster; Buy the Poster Enabled

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