Page Revisions:
(December 9, 2018) Original
Release Date:
October 26, 2018
From IMDb: “An undead teenage girl befriends a blind boy that she meets in a forest she haunts and hunts in. Both have been victims of unimaginable abuse, and each finds solace in the other. There may be a chance of light at the end of their tunnel, but it will come with a body count.”
Poster Rating: B- / C-
Review: (#1) The central figures is on display in this poster design, which does something atypical for those designs with empty black space, it’s makes that color the foreground rather than the background, which creates a frame around the primary image, which is ultimately tepid, but modestly interesting none the less. (#2) Here the woods take on a less sinister feel, with a design that looks more haphazard in its construction and design.
Trailer Rating: B-
Review: There aren’t many horror films these days that aren’t trying to carve out their own unique corner of the genre and this trailer suggests this film might be one of the more successful attempts.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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