Page Revisions:
(May 28, 2023) Original
(July 23, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#3)
(September 17, 2023) New Trailer (#3) — New Posters (#4-#10)
(September 24, 2023) New Poster (#11)
Release Date:
September 29, 2023
From IMDb: “Described as a post-apocalyptic thriller involving a future impacted by a war between humans and AI.”
Poster Rating: C / C / B- / C+ / B / B+ / C- / C+ / B- / C / B
Review: (#1) This looks a bit too much like a Star Wars movie even though it isn’t one. The tagline doesn’t help. It’s otherwise pretty unexciting.
(#2) While this design has an impact, it’s so sparse and unappealing that it’s not sure to create much appeal for the film. (#3) This is a lot more interesting, drawing on the basic concept of the Vitruvian Man, but then not doing enough with it.
(#4) While it is somewhat pretty, the design doesn’t have enough going on to avoid looking a bit vacant. (#5) Perhaps a little too much empty space, the design does quite well at evoking a sense of place and time and has enough off-centered balance to be appealing. (#6) A lot of empty space doesn’t affect how gorgeous the artwork here is. It’s a fascinating effort even if it lacks background detail. (#7) This design is far too simplistic with an blank background and a foreground that, while interesting, is rather dull. (#8-#10) There’s a large disparity in quality here with IMAX sitting firmly in the middle between the strength of Screen X and the weakness of Dolby.
(#11) The empty white space is distracting, but it effectively accentuates the silhouette profile, which is chock full of details for the casual observer. A solid effort.
Trailer Rating: B+ / B / B-
Review: (#1) Finding a way to make science fiction look compelling and unique is a challenge. This trailer rises to that challenge and creates a tone and feel that should have sci-fi fans lining up at the box office.
(#2) The first trailer did a tremendous job setting up the concepts of the film whereas this second trailer tries to highlight more of the action while also explaining the plot. The two concepts don’t quite mesh even if the film may ultimately succeed.
(#3) While the narrative gets short shrift in this trailer, there are some gorgeous visuals on display and it certainly looks to have a level of polish that other films only wish they could dream up.
Oscar Prospects:
It looks like a meditative sci-fi film, which might stunt its box office potential, but could raise its Oscar profile if nowhere else than in Best Visual Effects.
Trailer #1
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