




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C-; D-

Review: Airbrushed to the hilt, this poster is as appealing as a road accident. Sure, it features people we’re curious to get a look at, but there’s really nothing aethestically pleasing that should keep our attention.

Apple is famous for their place-holder posters and this is no exception. Typical black back ground with white text and a colorful accent. Nothing interesting or spectacular.

Trailer Rating: B

Review: Rob Reiner hasn’t provided very many quality films of late. Even his more interesting subjects (Rumor Has It) faild to impress. This time, he’s bolstered by two Hollywood legends. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman promise to ignite sparks on the screen even if the story is a bit clichd.

Oscar Prospects:

Nicholson hasn’t been nominated in awhile and many will want him to catch up to Meryl Streep, but a lot will depends on critics. The rest will depend on whether Oscar voters can decide whether to put both actors on the top or relegate one to support, which will benefit Freeman more than it will Nicholson.

Release Date:

December 25, 2007

Page Revisions:

September 15, 2007 – Original
October 6, 2007 – New Poster
February 24, 2008 – New Poster; Buy the Poster Enabled

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