Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Poster Rating: –
Review: There was no poster immediately available for my review. Should one become available in the future, this section will be updated.
Trailer Rating: B-
Review: While there are some concepts in the preview that I think could work quite well in the film, namely the relationship of various minoritiesto one another, but the trailer tries to make it seem far more dramatic than it should. It makes it seem more like another film about a gay character and an Arab character in a city that hates them both (Tel Aviv, Israel), than about a film of life and vitality surrounded by war.
Oscar Prospects:
I could see this making the short list with the Academy’s Foreign Film voters, but I’m not sure it could get the nomination even if it was submitted.
Release Date:
September 7, 2007
Page Revisions:
August 18, 2007 – Original
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