Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)
Poster Rating: C-
Review: The mustard yellow background is a little less vibrant than the other yellows being used this year, but still not very original and the smattering of film images around the outside edge with the eponymous balloon in the center just seems amateurish.
Trailer Rating: B
Review: While the film doesn’t look lik a knock out critical sensation, it does look sufficiently compelling and the trailer does showcase some potentially stellar performances.
Oscar Prospects:
Too small and too late. The film hasn’t moved very much in buzz circles, which generally spells doom. A lot will depende on whether or not critics give it any prizes, which I doubt.
Release Date:
December 5, 2008
Page Revisions:
December 7, 2008 – Original
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