




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: C

Review: Very rudimentary comedy poster. It takes a very hammy approach to fit all the characters onto the poster and thematically link it to the film without any visual flare.

Trailer Rating: C-

Review: The knockoffs of The Full Monty continue as a town decides to sponsore and shoot a porn film. If Calendar Girls wasn’t a poor enough concept, this film will suffice.

Oscar Prospects:

Since The Full Monty, films like Calendar Girls and Kinky Boots have tried to take the small-town success story formula to the podium and failed utterly. The Amateurs should be no exception.

Release Date:

December 7, 2007

Page Revisions:

October 27, 2007 – Original
December 22, 2007 – New Poster

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