




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B-; C-; C-

Review: If only this poster weren’t so dreadfully devoted to black-and-white. The colors are far too washed out to make it look more than ghastly. Sure, those who know the musical find it to be a bloody feast, but does the poster have to be so commonplace?

This new poster uses an old style shop sign to warn that Sweeney Todd is coming this Christmas. The gothic horror style of the poster doesn’t forewarn the audience that the film’s a musical. Nor, really, does the trailer.

Another new poster and another disappointment. There’s no real malice or viciousness behind those eyes. Depp’s visage is just there. Matter of fact, I can’t see any emotion behind those eyes. It’ll sure draw Depp’s fans to the theater, but it does little else.

Trailer Rating: C

Review: What a travesty this trailer is. One of two things will occur for people watching this then the film. A) they will be disappointed that it’s more a musical than a horror film (for those who think the trailer’s for a Tim Burton horror flick); or B) they will be disappointed that it’s a horror film moreso than the big screen adaptation of a legendary Broadway musical (for those who hold the Stephen Sondheim classic in high regards). Regardless of the outcome, this trailer says the film’s too much about Burton’s traditional style and not enough about the warped musical that is undeniably one of the greatest ever to set foot on the boards.

Oscar Prospects:

Depending on how well this turns out, one of Broadway’s greatest stage productions could be a big contender. Or, it could be this year’s Phantom of the Opera and it all rides on Tim Burton’s ability to keep his warped imagination out of the production.

Release Date:

December 21, 2007


What a colossal disappointment. High-pitched voices, mono-expressive performances and all the Tim Burton flourishes you’ve come to hate.

Page Revisions:

August 18, 2007 – Original
October 6, 2007 – New Trailer; New Poster
December 1, 2007 – New Poster
December 15, 2007 – New Trailer
February 2, 2008 – Full Review Posted

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