Page Revisions:
(September 5, 2021) Original
(October 3, 2021) New Trailer (#2)
(October 31, 2021) New Posters (#2-#8)
Release Date:
November 5, 2021
From IMDb: “During her Christmas holidays with the royal family at the Sandringham estate in Norfolk, England, Diana decides to leave her marriage to Prince Charles.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C (5) / C / C+
Review: (#1) The black background might feel like a disservice, but the foreground is at least intriguing in its character specificity.
(#2-#6) This series of character posters appear to be stills from the film, but they are utterly unappealing. (#7) That horrendous background does nothing for the overall design, though it does tell us who the film is about even if dully. (#8) This is perhaps the most Diana-like image of Stewart in the film and it’s interesting enough compositionally to be modestly workable.
Trailer Rating: C / B-
Review: (#1) It doesn’t show the promise of a strong performance from Kristen Stewart, but there’s just enough intrigue here to make it interesting to Pablo Larrain fans if no one else.
(#2) While the first teaser-like trailer does poorly in conveying the potential of Stewart’s performance, this one does tremendously well in selling the audience on it. Whether this will appeal to any but the most ardent Anglophile or not is a big question, but fans of the director’s Jackie should be suitably impressed as well.
Oscar Prospects:
Pablo Larrain’s films, while typically of high quality, aren’t Oscar magnets. Kristen Stewart has a chance at a Best Actress nomination and a few other below-the-line categories are possible as well, though few are guaranteed.
Trailer #1
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