Page Revisions:
(December 19, 2021) Original
(March 20, 2022) New Trailer (#2) / New Posters (#2-#13)
(April 3, 2022) New Posters (#14-#26)
Release Date:
April 8, 2022
From IMDb: “Sequel to the 2020 live-action feature film ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’.”
Poster Rating: C+ / D (3) / C- / B- / C / C- (3) / C / C / C+ / C- (9) / B- / B- / C- / C-
Review: (#1) With a lot of details in the image, it’s surprising for it to look so dull and creativity-starved.
(#2-#4) These character posters have no distinctiveness or uniqueness, which makes them forgettable. (#5) The attempt to play off The Matrix is an interesting one, though cheap looking. (#6) It’s a nice array of images that has an unfortunately bland background. (#7) A setting design that will draw you in briefly if you’ve seen the trailer, but then will immediately leave you feeling unfulfilled. (#8-#10) These character posters are an improvement over the first set, but are still lackluster. (#11) There’s nothing much to see here in what could be considered dull if one was being generous. (#12) The characters are together in a design that doesn’t go anywhere or even excite. (#13) A nice setting design that has some interesting and unique elements, but also feels inferior to many.
(#14-#22) Lots of distinct colors do not a good set of character posers make. And this set is as cheap and unchallenging as it could possibly be. (#23) It’s a decent balance of images forced into an unnecessarily compact space. (#24) They tinkered a bit with the 6th design and didn’t improve upon it. (#25) Another deadly dull Dolby Digital design. (#26) Never heard of D-Box, but this design clearly doesn’t do it justice.
Trailer Rating: C- / C
Review: (#1) Fans of the original might find something in this trailer to latch onto so they can build interest, but even they must find some of the content here boring and uninspiring.
(#2) More excitement, but less engagement. This new trailer will no doubt appeal to fans of the original, but there’s simply not enough to bring in crossover audiences or pull the disappointed back to the theater for the sequel.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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