Page Revisions:
(May 23, 2021) Original
(June 27, 2021) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#14)
(July 18, 2021) New Posters (#15-#16)
(July 25, 2021) New Trailer (#3) — New Poster (#17)
Release Date:
July 23, 2021
From IMDb: “A G.I. Joe spin-off centered around the character of Snake Eyes.”
Poster Rating: C+ / C / C / C (8) / C / B / C- / C- / C+ / C+
Review: (#1) A rather simplistic neon design that doesn’t give the viewer much more information than they might already have when looking at the design.
(#2) A similar, but unappealing design to the original. (#3) A continuation of the bland style. (#4-#11) This series of character posters shifts stances and colors, but largely feels generic. (#12) More detail, but less of it interesting. (#13) The black-and-white motif is used to surprisingly decent effect with this stacked design with a rising importance. (#14) There’s not enough to see here worth exploring.
(#15) Too much black and while there are details within that darkness, the lack of variance is dullsville. (#16) A lot more colors to attract the eye, but the lack of background detail and the minimal midground detail just don’t accentuate anything measurably.
(#17) This split-screen design is poorly executed with the coloration of the backlighting feeling like it’s coming in from only one side and then is added carelessly to the other.
Trailer Rating: C / C+ / C
Review: (#1) This short teaser doesn’t tell us enough about the film’s plot, just that it’s an origin story and not one that looks terribly interesting.
(#2) Now we have the origin story elements, soon we’ll have every ounce of the plot revealed to us making watching the film unnecessary. It’s always good to give background details, but here those details don’t form a basis, they rob the trailer of it.
(#3) The producers have still not created an appealing trailer. This pointless concoction looks like it was cobbled together from the prior trailers without rhyme or reason. It all makes the film feel a bit too desperate for attention.
Oscar Prospects:
Trailer #1
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