




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: D

Review: Is there really a need for a trailer to sell the film? It’s already got a built-in audience. And with this poster, that viewer base isn’t likely to increase in size.
It’s just a teaser poster like most teaser trailers, selling the film on a sneak preview instead of an actual one. Unfortunately, for posters, that generally means a lackluster and unimpressive piece of wall decoration.

Trailer Rating: C-; C

Review: It’s almost verboten to chastise this clunky franchise. The first two films were surprisingly successful despite the utter inanity of the subject matter. While there is very little to encourage an audience to see this film (there aren’t even any really spectacular fight scenes in the trailer), the reteaming of the once popular Chris Tucker and surprisingly still popular Jackie Chan will still pull in a decently-sized aud.

The second trailer gives us a little more than the first and only improves slightly. This one does clue us into a little more action and a little more anti-American sentiment from the Parisians. Just for the Parisian cabby, I increased the trailer grade. The one good thing I can say is the trailer doesn’t completely reveal the film’s plot.

Oscar Prospects:

The first two were no-shows. Expect a hat trick in the shut out department.

Release Date:

August 10, 2007

Page Revisions:

May 5, 2007 – Original
July 14, 2007 – New Trailer; New Poster

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