Page Revisions:
(September 1, 2024) Original
(September 29, 2024) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#1)
Release Date:
October 11, 2024
From IMDb: “The leaders of seven wealthy democracies get lost in the woods while drafting a statement on a global crisis, facing danger as they attempt to find their way out.”
Poster Rating: C+
Review: (#1, C+) A Grecian concept with columns and carved faces would be an interesting choice if they didn’t seem so smooth. Add that in with the unrealistic brain on fire and you have a design that may create more confusion than excitement.
Trailer Rating: C- / C+
Review: (#1, C-) A confusing teaser that tells the viewer nothing about the film and doesn’t even suggest something worth finding out more information about. There is zero need for the trailer to be this oblique.
(#2, C+) The first trailer didn’t exactly explain what the film was but this one does. Yet, the concept is still a bit amorphous. A fantasy about a zombie event happening at the G7 conference? This looks like it’s too bizarre for its own good without being intentionally funny. Deadpan humor can work but in this trailer it doesn’t.
Oscar Prospects:
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