




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(March 26, 2023) Original
(May 28, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Posters (#2-#3)
(June 25, 2023) New Posters (#4-#5)

Release Date:

June 30, 2023


From IMDb: “A shy adolescent learns that she comes from a fabled royal family of legendary sea krakens and that her destiny lies in the depths of the waters, which is bigger than she could have ever imagined.”

Poster Rating: C / C+ / B- / B- (2)

Review: (#1) While there’s plenty going on here, the art style is sure to dissuade a lot of audiences. There’s simply nothing appealing on display.

(#2) Lots of little details here, but also a lot of space that still feels empty in spite of that, most notably the underwater elements. (#3) This has a little more pizzazz to the background, but it still lacks a sense of purpose to those details.

(#3) This pair of character posters has a lot of intricate detail in the background, which effectively sets the place for each figure and engages the eye more interestingly than a lot of character designs can.

Trailer Rating: C / C

Review: (#1) While the story feels a little too childish, the animation certifies that. Employing unrealistic and unappealing characters, DreamWorks has somehow managed to craft a film with dull-looking action and minimal forward momentum.

(#2) Without the background of the plot, this tin-eared trailer struggles to find a theme that will resonate with those seeing it. Sure, it seems like it wants to be about growing up different, it looks a bit too derivative.

Oscar Prospects:

DreamWorks creating a new property should pique the interests of animators, but this doesn’t look like a film that will be nominated for much.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

Poster #4Poster #5

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