




Trailers (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Posters (Due to age, may no longer be available)

Poster Rating: B-

Review: Silhouettes ar good selling tools as they fool the audience into beliving they should expect something shocking. This poster works in its use of color and setting, but it fails to convey anything spectacular and the letter shading doesn’t work well and perhaps should have been precisely shifted on the outlines of the silhouette.

Trailer Rating: C+; C-

Review: Sequels are as common in Hollywood these days as rats in a sewer. Even though the first sequel to the Resident Evil film was a general failure, they proceeded to make another one. While this preview is at least tantalizing, it cannot mask what we know to be yet another guns-and-babes bloodbath.

Would the pre-pubescent teen, action-friendly filmgoers please line up? The rest of us can sit out and ignore this glaringly pedantic actioner that does little to thematically improve on the previous incarnations.

Oscar Prospects:

There are two previous films to use as precedent. Neither received Oscra nods, so neither will this one.

Release Date:

September 21, 2007

Page Revisions:

March 28, 2007 – Original
June 2, 2007 – New Poster
September 8, 2007 – New Trailer
September 29, 2007 – Buy the Poster Enabled

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