




Film Poster

Page Revisions:

(August 27, 2023) Original
(November 19, 2023) New Trailer (#2) — New Poster (#2)
(October 12, 2023) New Posters (#3-#14)

Release Date:

December 22, 2023


From IMDb: “When a peaceful colony on the edge of a galaxy finds itself threatened by the armies of a tyrannical ruling force, a mysterious stranger living amongst its villagers becomes their best hope for survival.”

Poster Rating: B- / C+ / C+ (11) / B-

Review: (#1, B-) While it’s visually striking, it’s also perhaps bit too minimal while also being a bit over-the-top. It’s a strange balance that may or may not hold much appeal for the passer-by.

(#2, C+) It’s a simple design that has some background detail of interest, but it also feels a bit too sterile.

(#3-#13, C+) These character posters range in quality from almost looking like they are hand drawn to looking natural with unique backdrops, but a static title. They are generally striking, but lacking in creative details. (#14, B-) This design definitely looks drawn, which is a nice effort, but trying not to look exactly like Star Wars (like it probably wants to), the effort feels a bit square and lacking in flow.

Trailer Rating: B- / B

Review: (#1, B-) There are some stunning visuals here, which is what you expect from Zack Snyder, but the premise seems very hollow and almost a cross between Dune and Jupiter Ascending, which might not be the best amalgam possible.

(#2, B) A little more exciting than the prior trailer and a bit more information about the stakes at play. It should do well to encourage viewership, especially those familiar with the director’s other works.

Oscar Prospects:

A Visual Effects and Sound contender to be sure, but that’s the extent of its potential success.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2


Poster #1Poster #2Poster #3

Poster #4Poster #5Poster #6

Poster #7Poster #8Poster #9

Poster #10Poster #11Poster #12

Poster #13Poster #14

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